Pain is by far one of the most common chief complaints we see in this country. Acupuncture is an excellent choice as a modality to help one ease discomfort. It is a time-tested, safe, effective, natural and drug-free way to distinguish the body of pain. Many people are advised to take medication but unfortunately medication only masks the underlying condition and has many side effects that can greatly harm a person in the long term.
Acupuncture is used to treat the pain as well as the underlying cause of the problem.
Acupuncture Stimulates
* Endorphins & other neurotransmitters to control pain
* Leukocytes to fight infection & boost immune response
* Prostaglandins to reduce inflammation & swelling to prevent tissue damage
* Nerve conduction to regenerate healthy tissue & restore muscle tone
* Quicken recovery from soft tissue injury, surgery & fracture
* Homeostatic normalization & regulation of body functions
Following the Breath
Breathing is our simplest, most powerful self healing tool available. With it, you can dramatically
and quickly increase your physical, mental and emotional well being. Many people suffering
from pain get in the habit of constricting their breathing either through daily shallow breath
or by holding their breath during times of pain. Through breath work, patients are able to
find great relief when they can connect back to the personal power of proper Breathing.
Pain is reduced and a sense of self healing is restored.